Earlier this year, I shared on social media why I'm here and some guiding principles for this work on that platform. I wanted to share them here, as they apply to the website and blog, as it feels important and good to be sharing with you!
Connecting with the Akashic Records and consulting for others through them is magical work. It has shown me the power of love, the beauty of life, and truths when I may be lost. The relationship with the Akashic Records is always unfolding, and a grounded place for me to unwrap whatever form of suffering I may be experiencing. It is grace filled, compassionate, and always available.
It is an honor to be in this field and bring forth the energies that each person is seeking. To hold the space so each person may receive the love that is available to them. To witness their experience with compassion and without judgment. To allow them to be exactly who they are. To relay the information to the questions they ask so they may continue on towards the spaces and places they desire.
GENUINE: It is important my content be authentic, real, and true.
AUTHENTIC: The experiences I share will be mine, and shared as honestly as I am able. If another has impacted my life or shared something of value to me, I will acquire their permission and give kudos as they request. I do my best to reference the correct source, and also know many people say the same thing in various ways. I am always grateful for all of the teachers that are among us. The photos I share will more than likely be taken by me, and may not be the best photo taken ever. That’s ok, it’s about the moment, the energy, and allowing that to radiate through to you. Sometimes I remember filters, and sometimes I use images taken by people who jam so beautifully in that craft (many thanks to them!)
PRESENT: Living from a place of presence is an art and choice for me, daily. I LOOOOVE this about my life. When I share, my desire is for it to be from a place of presence, in peace, and wrapped in love.
SELF-RESPONSIBLE: For me to be fully empowered in my self-responsibility, my journey may not be shared until I have owned all aspects of the adventure. This may delay the sharing, and yet, it allows for grace, growth, forgiveness, and compassion. (and always, love.) I am learning how much more comes through as I write the blogs to you. I am grateful you are part of the experience and willing to witness wherever I may be in the process.
INTIMATE: There is a sacredness to life that can’t fully be captured via social media. As much as I may want to, and as much as many people are real and vulnerable, there is still an element of social media that prevents true intimacy. For those intimate moments, I’m utilizing my blog, and other writing endeavors. I want and crave intimacy in this beautiful ‘work’ that I embody. Yes, you are here with me!
ALL ONE: I know and trust we are all one. We are creating our realities, experiences, and MAGIC together. Interacting, supporting, loving, guiding, witnessing You are all ‘ing’s I want to be part of, if you want/need/desire it. Welcome to our community.
GRATITUDE: All aspects of my being stem and rest in the space of gratitude. It’s a practice, it can be a process, and yet it also IS.
JOY: I like life! There is always beauty to be experienced. In each aspect of my journey, at the root of the ‘search’ and process is this tiny little element called joy. It is always present, and I want to share it with you as much as I can, in all ways!
Here you have it!
What do you think?