It is here! My word of the year!
I so thoroughly enjoy selecting a word to be a guide, reminder, and affirmation each year. I view it as a foundation and place for me to return to when making decisions, approaching something new, uncomfortable, and even sometimes challenging. I'm surprised each year as I look back over the previous 12 months and see where and how this word played out, contributed, and in some ways, molded my experience. I was especially surprised the year when my word was expansion and I gained 20 lbs! hee hee Now that is the true power of intention!
This year, the word sorta showed up, without as much process around the selection as in the past. I like that it feels good to me: cozy, supportive, and possible. I am also aware of the possible challenges/opportunities that could come forward from it. And, I am sure, there will be many lovely surprises! Thank you life, I really am grateful.
Here are the phrases I've crafted to further the foundation of this word, year, and me:
Embrace: I embrace this current moment. #aliveandpresent
Embrace: I embrace all of me. #selfloveforthewin
Embrace: I embrace all people with love, dignity, and compassion. #kindnessreigns
Embrace: I embrace fear and discomfort, asking for guidance, help, and the way to be shown. #trustwithin
Embrace: I embrace love and beauty in all forms. #innocence #eachnewmoment
Embrace: I embrace what is new and true now. #healingthepast
Embrace: I embrace the light within. #shineon
Do you choose a word, mantra, or affirmation for the year? Feel free to share it with me, I'd love to honor and celebrate it with you!
May blessings surround you this year,
May you see your Divine Light,
May You Shine.
Always love,