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Dear One,

I am happy to be present in this space again with you. My gratitude for not being alone, and for having this space to connect and share overflows and keeps the beauty of existence present. For those of you who may have watched or read any of the Bridgerton series, the 'Dear One' was mildly inspired by it. There was something about her greeting of "Dear Reader" (or Julie Andrew's voice perhaps!) that felt comfy, cozy, and warm. Dear One is often times how the Akashic Records will greet me and clients. We are, after all, endeared to God/Divine/Great Creator are we not?

(We are, indeed!)

As I was sitting to compose this blog, it wasn't flowing. I tried all sorts of various techniques to settle in, be with the energy and write. No dice! It is important to me that I am present, honest, and can share something that is fully vetted / followable / understood (as best as possible in this moment.) And so, not having reached the point of clarity around the topic that is wanting to be shared, I am going to pause and allow for the possibilities and information to continue to weave and wax their way into my experience. Next week, I shall share more, and for now, what IS important is for this image to be shared with you:

what do you see?

what do you feel?

what do you think?

what would you call this?

Connection and community are near and dear to me, and places I thrive. Please join this community, let's connect through the piece below, if you'd like. More to come next week, promise.

I love you and I am grateful for your grace,




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